NNN Capital Cares
NNN Capital believes active involvement in the local community is paramount to steward a better tomorrow. To that end, the firm gives of its time and financial resources to causes geared towards youth throughout Central Florida. Please click on the sites below and if you so choose, join us in the support of these organizations actively helping young people across central part of the state.

University of Central Florida’s Real Estate Club
University of Central Florida’s Real Estate Club serves undergraduate college students interested in entering the world of commercial real estate by hosting speakers and programs while also providing scholarships to real estate conferences around the country. The club is completely student run and relies on school funding and donations from around the community. NNN Capital’s involvement with the UCF Real Estate Club dates back to 2010 when principals began to speak and donate to the clubs concern. Multiple former club presidents have interned and worked for NNN Capital through the years.
Edgewood Children’s Ranch
Edgewood Children’s Ranch is a children’s home located in Orlando, Florida serving kids in the community since 1966. Roughly fifty children call the Ranch home as they learn life skills in addition to catching up on their schooling grade levels. NNN Capital principals have been involved with the Ranch since 2012 and now actively serve on the Edgewood Endowment Fund board. The Endowment manages a portfolio whereby 100% of the profits go to help fund the Ranch’s yearly operational budget.

Stetson University FCA
Stetson University FCA is a 100% student run organization that relies on donations. FCA is a non-profit Christian sports ministry founded in 1954 based in Kansas City, Missouri. Stetson FCA serves student athletes and coaches throughout the campus community. Principals of NNN Capital have been involved with Stetson University FCA since the early 2000’s
The Florida Debate Initiative
The Florida Debate Initiative provides an environment where every high school student in Florida and surrounding areas has the opportunity to participate in competitive high school debate and public speaking. Principals of NNN Capital have been involved the program in both giving of their time in serving as judges during competitions and financial support.